To adaptation of the child as smooth as possible, it should be prepared in advance. You need to teach him to self-service. That is, it needs to ask the toilet, to be able to wash their hands, use spoon independently to eat. Without these skills it will be very difficult in kindergarten, especially if the child is in the older group. Besides, you don't avoid complaints from educators, they will demand from you to get you accustomed to such household stuff.

You need to psychologically prepare the child before you begin to drive his garden. This can be done unobtrusively, in the form of a game. For example, playing with toys, make a scene, they are all in the garden playing, saying: "As much fun in the garden, it's cool out there!" Periodically tell the child about what kids do in the garden. Buy tales, where the characters go to kindergarten, where they play, eat, listen to educators. If you start mental preparation for the week until "X", then, of course, the result may not please. So tell the kid about the forthcoming event as early as possible.

Parents should meet with prospective teachers to make contact. So mom and dad can warn employees of the institution about any of the features of their child, how to find a contact that is able and what is not.