For example, if you immediately "occupy" his kitchen (despite the fact that this room is considered for centuries "women's territory"), your favorite can begin to drag the prey to the lair and eat in bed or watching TV, while meekly surrendering their master's position. A man may stop clean up after yourself and wash the dishes - he's just confused because they do not know where everything is. Therefore, to introduce their innovations gradually, leaving time for adaptation.

Be careful and consistent in actions and on-site bedrooms. Of course, the man you will give way to the other side of the bed you prefer, but it does not mean that you can immediately change the interior of a room, rearranging furniture. Likely favorite will be against it. Don't get me wrong, he had given you most of the shelves in the closet.

By the way, your man is unlikely to be violently protest against the seizure of your jars with creams space of the bathroom, but he did not immediately get used to the fact that most of his clothing will move in the bathroom waiting for the Laundry.

However, the apartment still needs to remain a territory, where the entrance is strictly forbidden to a woman. This, of course, a safety Deposit box and personal computer area. Most men will not tolerate the invasion of this personal space. Follow these simple tips, and your period of adjustment to each other will take place "without a hitch"!