To lose 10 kg in one month is necessary to observe two basic conditions in the form of proper nutrition and exercise. Also have to say goodbye to some unhealthy habits that make it difficult to lose weight and have a negative impact on health.

Bad habits that hinder weight loss:

1. Insufficient amount of fluid. Each adult needs water in an amount of 2 liters daily, and even more slimming. Without enough liquid lose weight, and especially 10 kg will not work, since the water removes from the body of accumulated toxins and waste products.

2. Late dinner. The last meal should be around 18 hours. If the evening you are overcome with the feeling of hunger, you can afford a light snack in the form of green or herbal tea and some vegetable, e.g. cucumber.

3. The wrong combination of products. Fats don't go well with carbs, so you can not lose weight by eating potatoes and pasta with fatty meat.

4. Late bedtimes. In the period from 21 hours to 2 am in the body of a sleeping person produces isomonodromy hormone involved in the breakdown of fats. That is why in dreams we do not experience hunger. If we go to bed too late, then, accordingly, deprive ourselves of this important weight loss hormone.

Proper nutrition

To lose weight, you must adhere to the principles of proper nutrition. In the diet losing weight the person must be fresh and cooked vegetables (except potatoes), fruit and fruit juice (except grapes and bananas), boiled eggs, dairy products with low fat content (cheese, yogurt, cottage cheese), whole wheat bread, cereals (except manna). If you want to have a slim figure, you have to abandon the use of the following products: butter bakery products, sweets, fat, butter, fried and smoked meat, spices, salt and alcohol.


Without increasing physical activity to lose weight 10 kg in a month is unrealistic. Alternatively, you can sign up for 2 hour sessions in the fitness center. If you do not have the opportunity to attend training 2-3 times a week, you can simply abandon the Elevator, passing a few stops of public transport on foot, try to do morning exercises and evening exercises. This set of measures helps burn 500-600 extra calories a day.


If you want to lose 10 pounds in a month, you should be familiar with possible contraindications in order not to harm your health. So, any drastic changes in the diet are undesirable for people who have problems related to the gastrointestinal tract. To increase physical activity impossible for people with diseases of the cardiovascular system. Also slimming, and the more such emergency, is contraindicated in pregnant and lactating women.