If the land has the garden, the idea of slope is not suitable, because during the rains the water will wash away the beds, and not seep into the soil. In all other cases, a site located on a slope, will give unprecedented charm. It is possible to create thus something unusual and just beautiful. To create the plot slope is much harder than on an equal surface. You will need to put a lot of work and money. But after work the garden will look much more advantageous than usual.
Garden on a slope will be more visible than on the plain. It is worth noting that due to fluctuations in the height of the well highlighted silhouettes of plants, which are located on the terraces. Raised beds easy to clean. You can also facilitate the watering of seedlings, for this you need to organize a gravity flow system, separating pipes or channels.
Building plot on a slope, it is better not to focus only on direct and long retaining walls for the construction of the terraces. Between the terraces is possible to have paths that may periodically be torn in two steps where the grade is steepest. A retaining wall, speaking from the ground, moving into the landscape of the area.
If there is a gentle slope, the best option would be wall of dry masonry. If the slope is too steep, the wall is better to fix the cement. The form can be arbitrary. Retaining walls do not have to be straight or at an angle to bend, be accompanied by steps alternate in size, to imitate the natural landscape, and in General be scattered around the area.
I would like to note an important caveat for the device of retaining walls. This is especially necessary in the case of water-holding capacity of the soil. Making the wall, you must lay between her and land drainage riprap and walls to install pipes. This is to ensure that water does not accumulate behind the wall. If to forget about it, the moisture will freeze in winter and can break or crack a wall. This may occur for any year, and a few.