The first visit
First visit to the dentist is an important point, we can say decisive. Most often it is prevention and the child will only pass the inspection, even if treatment is required. At this stage the baby has formed an idea of the doctor and laid against him. The main task at this point is to make the introduction as pleasant as possible. Much depends on the doctor, his ability to win a little patient.
After the first visit you need to prepare baby to a regular appointment. Can be in the form of a game to "walk" to the doctor, offer the kid to treat teeth toys or mother.
How to reduce stress when visiting the dentist
Before going to the doctor parents should tell, for what it is, what are the benefits of regular visits. You can tell the tale of the good doctor Dr. Dolittle, who treats kids. You can tell a story about what harmful bacteria build houses in teeth and the doctor need to get rid of them.
Can be at home in a game form accustom the child to the fact that the mouth is necessary to put the instruments in order to examine the teeth and treat them. The more merchandise will be at home: the toy instruments, the white coat, the more comfortable it will feel like a kid at the dentist.
Better never to use phrases containing the word "hurt", even if they deny it. They are scary and won't hold the baby in the desired fashion. Better if before treatment the doctor will give the child a small gift, it will quickly gain its attention, and the location and will make the visit not so scary (pass the gift to the doctor, you can quietly for the baby).
After a trip to the dentist
After the visit it is necessary to focus the kid on pleasant that the procedure is not terrible, it is all over, what the doctor did to the kid in pain and stuff. You can take your child to the Park and long walk – this will relieve stress and will leave only positive emotions.
The major mistake of many parents is that after the painful treatment at the dentist's office, every prank of a child starting to scare visit to the doctor. Since the campaign will still be inevitable, the child will begin to experience not just the fear and panic, then have to correct the situation will be very difficult. Therefore you should never use the image of a doctor as a frightening factor to going to the dentist is not delivered in the future inconveniences.