You will need
  • - 500 grams of ground beef;
  • - one medium onion;
  • - 500 grams of potatoes;
  • - 300 grams of sour cream;
  • - 200 grams of cheese;
  • - salt and pepper (to taste);
  • - greens (you can use both dried, and fresh).
The first step is to wash the potatoes, put it in a deep pan, pour water and put to boil. If the vegetables are large, the previously they can be cut in half so they cook faster.
Ready potatoes cover with cold water and leave for 10 minutes to cool.
Next you need to peel the onion and chop it chop. Preheat Tolstoganova pan, pour oil and fry the onions to a nice Golden brown. During frying onions should be constantly stirred, so that it is in any case not burnt.
The next stage is roasting of meat. The stuffing need to put in the frying pan to the onions, mix everything, add salt and pepper to taste, add chopped greens and fry on high heat until soft. It is worth remembering that at this stage the most important thing - to quickly fry the meat to make it feel crusty.
Potato peel, wash and grate on a coarse grater or finely chop. Grate in a separate bowl the cheese.
Once all the ingredients are prepared, you can start collecting casseroles. The pan needs to be oiled and put on it the mince, flatten it. On top of the meat put the chopped potatoes and salt it.
Next, in a Cup mix the sour cream (cream) with dill and salt, mix well. Prepared sauce pour over the casserole and sprinkle the top with grated cheese.
Put the baking pan in the oven for 30 minutes, pre-heating the oven to 180 degrees. Juicy and hearty casserole is ready.