How useful milk

In the twentieth century it was believed that milk helps to remove toxins from the body, so workers "harmful" manufactures definitely. But scientists have found that this product is not a means of cleansing the body of harmful substances.

In our daily life, milk is one of the most consumed foods. The nutritional value is a large number of nutrients contained in milk. It contains protein, calcium, fats, minerals and vitamins.

Doctors believe exaggerated opinion about the benefits of milk during a cold, don't even recommend to consume it hot so as not to cause "acidification" of blood. But useful properties of the product still provide effective assistance in the fight against the malaise.

Colds disturbed electrolyte balance in the body. Milk replenishes the potassium serves as a diuretic. Pain the throat becomes easier if you drink warm milk. In addition, usually the common cold, decreased appetite, and increased body temperature need to drink plenty of liquids. Fighting viruses the body receives the necessary components of milk nutrients.

Often, viral respiratory infections accompanied by a cough, often tormenting people for a long time. Warm milk with different additives helps to soften the throat, relieve the condition. Oats has properties that reduce temperature. Warm the milk with the oats helps to fight cough.

Assistant at cold

If you decided to connect to fight the cold milk, pay attention to the body's ability to absorb this product and symptoms of the ailment symptoms. At low temperature, the chills, warm the milk with butter or honey and a good warm.

Greatly increased body temperature affects the intestine, which is difficult to cope with the load. In this case, to milk should be treated with caution, so as not to cause gas or diarrhea.

Milk with honey and salt drink before bedtime. The drink is soothing and is a diaphoretic, so make it is recommended and temperature.

Containing vitamin C and glucose, has a tonic effect, warm milk with honey is considered an effective folk remedy for angina. Only we should not forget that the drink should be hot not to irritate a sore throat.

Cold, as a rule, rises to man gradually. Symptoms do not manifest immediately, such as cough, runny nose can be a bother for a long time. At the first signs of sickness should actively begin to deal with them, using antiviral drugs and traditional recipes. If the temperature at cold low, it is better not to take antipyretic medications. Most importantly, drink as much liquid as possible. Cranberry juice, hot tea, rose hips extract and warm milk help rid the body of viruses and disease-causing microbes.