In addition to the benefits of each pensioner by age, additional subsidies can also get those who are poor or disabled, has the title of "Veteran of labour". To be eligible for benefits should contact the social security authorities at the place of registration, and to present documents confirming your right to them.
Pensioners who belong to the category of low-income citizens, have the right to privileges on payment of utilities. The condition for obtaining this benefit is the excess of expenses on payment of housing services above the level set for the region. Those pensioners who for home heating use wood-fired oven, you can count on reimbursement of fuel costs. Additional benefits for this type of expenditure are saved for those retirees who have the status of "Veteran of labour". But in many regions this status was abolished due to lack of funds in local budgets.
For the old-age pensioners are provided and tax credits. They can pay a lesser amount of transport, land and tax on property of physical persons. Because the rate of vehicle tax in each region set its own, to specify the amount of benefits and payments should be in the territorial tax inspection. As a rule, pensioners are exempt from paying vehicle tax for one car installed capacity. Benefits for the other two taxes set by the local authorities. In some localities entirely exempt pensioners from the obligation to pay them, and some pay only part of the required amount. This procedure has declarative character. To apply for a benefit, should be presented to the inspector of the tax authority a statement, in his pension certificate.
The authorities of some municipalities and addition establish other social benefits. Ligatures travel pensioners in urban and suburban transport. To do this, place in the bodies of social protection discount ticket travel or get special coupons. For those pensioners who reside in the Northern regions of Russia every year is paid for one trip to the place of vacation and back. To receive this benefit must present the tickets to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation at the place of residence. Pensioners residing in remote areas of the country, entitled to partial reimbursement of plane tickets.
In some regions, pensioners can count on free service in the dental clinic and have benefits for prosthetics. In any region of single pensioners aged 80 or older or who have health problems can contact the social welfare agencies that came to their home social workers – cleaned and brought food from the store. This service is free of charge.