You will need
  • - antibiotics;
  • - the vitamins;
  • - bifidobacteria;
  • - hepatoprotectors.
If from the urethra is allocated in a small amount of transparent mucus, there was a burning sensation, frequent urination, pain or cramps in the abdomen, disturbed potency, you should immediately consult urologist and undergo a medical examination. To diagnose take the inoculation polymerase chain reaction. Positive results with 100% certainty allow you to diagnose anaplasmosis. From infection until the first symptoms may take a few days or a few months. Delays in treatment facing infertility and impotence due to lesions of the prostate.
Treatment of the disease should be carried out for all sexual partners at the same time. The doctor will prescribe antibiotics, the reception of which is shown within two to four weeks. The ureaplasmosis is treated with macrolides under the trade names: "Oleandomycin", "Clarithromycin", "Roxithromycin", as well as tetracycline antibiotics, antifungal and Antiprotozoal drugs.
Additionally, the doctor may prescribe immunomodulators and vitamin therapy. Of immunomodulators applies "Timalin", "Lysozyme", "Tokuiten", "Dekaris". Vitamins administered by injection or orally.
After treatment take repeated the analysis for three consecutive months. The patient should undergo treatment of bifidobacteria and lactobacilli, hepatoprotectors.
The entire course of treatment should refrain from sexual activity, eat a healthy diet, give enough time to rest, to give up alcoholic drinks, avoid stress and hypothermia.
From the diet you need to remove the fried, spicy, salty, canned food, to give preference to milk and milk products.
Self-treatment of a ureaplasmosis is unacceptable. With inadequate treatment, the bacteria will develop resistance to antibiotics, and the disease takes a chronic nature.