Stomach cancer can develop in any Department in the upper, and lower body, where the stomach connects to the intestines. Men are sick 2 times more often than women, risk increases after 50 years. Also risk factors are heredity, chronic diseases (gastritis with low acidity, peptic ulcer, polyps), gastric surgery (risk increases 2.5 times).
Great importance to have a food addiction - the risk is more among fans of smoked meat, too spicy, overcooked food and canned products with a long shelf life. At risk for lovers of spirits, especially vodka, as well as smokers.
In 1994 there was a proven link between the presence of Helicobacter pilori and cancer of the stomach, it is also a carcinogen. The occurrence of disease great importance to have conditions such as vitamin B12 and ascorbic acid, decrease in immunity, pernicious (malignant) anemia. Often, stomach cancer develops in people who work with Nickel and asbestos
In the initial stage of cancer of the stomach there is a small tumor (2 cm) on the mucosa. Gradually it increases in size, prorostaet all layers of the stomach, passing to the colon and pancreas. For this localization cancer is characterized by early appearance of metastases in large quantity. Cancer cells are carried along with the flow of blood and lymph, most often affects the liver, lymph nodes, lungs, peritoneum and ovaries.
In the early stages of the tumor, there is virtually asymptomatic, can sometimes be loss of appetite and fatigue. In a later stage there is aversion to meat and fish, a feeling of fullness of stomach, diarrhea and constipation, weight loss. With the further growth of the tumor join epigastric pain, gastrointestinal bleeding, vomiting blood, abdomen increases in size due to fluid accumulation in the abdomen (ascites) develops severe anemia.
Used for diagnostic gastroduodenoscopy, x-ray of the stomach, computed tomography, ultrasound of the abdominal cavity, is a common and biochemical blood analysis. The result of treatment of stomach cancer depends on the stage at which it is begun, on the tumor size, the extent of its prevalence and the presence of metastases. As a rule, in the early stages a tumor is detected extremely rarely and often by accident, mostly diagnosed only at late stages when symptoms and prevalence.
Currently, the main method of treatment of gastric cancer surgical. Depending on the stage there is partial removal of the stomach (resection) or complete removal. If necessary, carry out the removal of the affected organs (partially or completely) - the spleen, pancreas, ovaries, intestines, etc. as auxiliary treatment using chemotherapy and radiation therapy. In some countries, the treatment of viruses, but this method has not yet found wide application.