Paresthesia of the extremities can be caused by a variety of reasons. The most common are: diseases of internal organs, poor circulation, spinal disorder, diabetes, severe stress, systemic diseases of the nervous system. If numbness caused by abnormalities in the spine, apply immobilization of the affected spine (creating peace), prescribe medications that affect mineral metabolism in bone and cartilage.
Also use manual therapy, acupuncture, physiotherapy, remedial gymnastics. When overexertion of muscles of cervical region administered complex physiotherapy: manual therapy, myofascial release cervical-neck region, ultrasound, acupuncture. Sometimes used transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation. When paresthesia is useful to drink vitamin B1 (thiamine). Capsules drug is taken with food. Good effect gives reception of vitamin B12.
In some cases effective are anti-epileptic means, for example, "Carbamazepine", "Phenytoin", in the same doses as for treatment of acute short-term pain. Analgesic drugs when paresthesia is useless. To treat numbness of the extremities using the following medications: "Magne B6" (preparation of magnesium), "Pentoxifylline" (vasodilating agent), "Finlepsin" (antiepileptic drug), "Antistax" (the cure), "Troxevasin" (venotonic and venoprotektornym), "Doxi-hem" (improving microcirculation drug).
When numbness is experienced daily at bedtime RUB their preparation "Efkamon", wrap the hands and feet of woolen cloth. You can wear socks and mittens. Throughout the course you will need 10 tubes "Arcamone". While paresthesia can use the following procedure: pour into a deep enamel container 1 l of water and 2 liters of milk, add 600 g of salt and 50 g of honey, heat the mixture to a temperature of 60oC. Soak in the resulting solution of the hands and feet for 10 minutes, then lay down in bed. The course of treatment is 10 procedures.
Helps the following procedure: 1 fill the basin with hot water and the other cold. Hold for 2 minutes, the hands in cold water, and my feet hot. Then at 2 minutes, the hands put in hot water, and my feet in the cold. Then RUB the limbs with a towel. Follow these steps daily until improvement occurs.