Forewarned is forearmed!

To the cultivation of chickens-broilers has borne fruit, it is necessary to clearly observe all sanitary-veterinary activities, and conduct in relation to broiler chickens a special program for the use of special medicines, legitimate scientific research. You need to be aware that diseases of broilers in the worst case can lead to bankruptcy of those or other poultry companies or farmers.

Moreover, these birds need regular prevention of infectious diseases. As they say, armed, forewarned! Because the cost of carrying out all necessary sanitary-veterinary measures pay off quickly, and the cost of treatment already sick birds can be daunting and sometimes even meaningless: for example, infection of avian flu "mows" all the stock of chickens.

Dangerous disease of broiler chickens

The most dangerous for broiler chickens are respiratory diseases. If they were not timely prevented or cured, almost all the population of broilers are killed. Among the infectious diseases affecting these birds, you should allocate colibacillosis, leading to mass mortality of chickens (up to 55% of the population). Dangerous diseases of broilers are so-called secondary infection, and mycoplasmosis.

Treatment and prevention of diseases of broiler chickens

The majority of all diseases affecting chickens, have a complex etiology. Despite this, software (integrated) use of modern antimicrobial drugs can simplify treatment of broiler birds. In special cases, properly conducted therapy allows veterinarians to take control of epizootic situation (widespread disease), even in the mycoplasmosis, colibacillosis and other infections of a bacterial nature.

The most common drugs used in the treatment of broiler chickens are Thelocal", "Sulteprim", "Clindamicin", "Spelink and Nifulinum-Forte". It should be noted that all the components included in the composition of the medications listed above, were selected by veterinarians given sinergidnyj effect.

To prevent the majority of all possible diseases of birds it is possible only when you are using complex programs, which includes the use of anti-bacterial, protivogistaminnyh, antiparasitic and other preventive drugs. At no time forget that broiler chickens is a living organism that requires greater attention. Even the lack of basic hygiene could "mow" over half the population of broiler chickens.