When gangrene occurs constriction of blood vessels, the blood barely squeezes through them, disturbed blood circulation, which causes necrosis of living tissue, and is a direct path to gangrene.

The first signs of the disease

The first signal of the beginning of the disease is often numbness of the area of the body, loss of its sensitivity. The skin is pale, takes on a waxy hue. If you do not pay attention to these symptoms, the color of the affected area becomes pale to cyanotic, and then it blackens or may acquire a greenish tint. In addition, the patient becomes difficult to walk, he gets tired quickly, his feet were freezing and swollen. People with such symptoms can not long stay on his feet because they are constantly is cramping, sores can develop, which lead to gangrene.

Types of gangrene

There are three types of the disease: dry, wet and gas gangrene.

Dry gangrene

Disease of this type is due to the cessation of blood flow to the skin. In this case the affected area shrinks, dries, tissue thicken, become black color. This kind of gangrene affects mostly the limbs, nose, ears, feet and hands.

Wet gangrene

Gangrene wet type occurs when the wound gets infected. Affected area of the skin swells, becomes gray-brown hue. Tissue become friable to the touch, becoming dirty green hue, rot, emit an unpleasant odor.

Gas gangrene

Occurs when wounds, severe damage of muscle tissues. In an open wound get germs, they begin to multiply rapidly, affect the healthy tissue. The first signs of the disease is not externally visible: no swelling, decomposition of tissue, but the anaerobic process is rapidly developing within the lesion. This type of gangrene is the most dangerous, it is difficult to treat, is rapidly developing inside the affected tissues.

Methods of treatment

When gangrene is the necrosis of the living tissues of the foot or toes. Surgeons removed the affected area, and the living tissue is reduced, ensuring good blood circulation. Physicians are looking for ways to improve the flow of blood flow, try to saturate it with oxygen. A special effect of surgical treatment when the doctors find a way to further open the path of blood flow in the patient's body, inserting a large amount of fluid, such as blood substitutes, glucose, isotonic solution. For the treatment also used a wide range of antibiotics, drugs to maintain heart function.