What is the temperature of the child need to knock down

Before you wonder about how to bring down the temperature of the child, it should be understood, at what temperature to do it. It is known that children tolerate high temperatures much more easily than adults. At 38-38,5 they are often cheerful and active. It is believed that the indicator 38 degrees is critical, after that you should take medication. For a child under three years, a Council of physicians is important because when the temperature of the body another half a degree can have seizures. If the child is more than three years, it is possible to use only a fever-reducing teas - raspberry, honey, lime color (if no allergies).

Medications that help to bring down the temperature of the child

The main drugs that reduce high fever in a child can include in its membership two active ingredients - paracetamol or ibuprofen. First, according to doctors, is preferred for infants. For example, candles "Tsefekon" can be used from one month of life.

Medication, which can bring down the temperature of a child, are in the form of tablets and / or syrups. Rectal suppositories cause less harm to the gastro-intestinal tract and faster acting, so in the treatment of infants at very high temperature is better to use them.

In suspension can give a child from a high fever for children "Nurofen", "Paracetamol", "Ibufen", "Panadol".

Before use of the drug should read the manual, calculate the dosage according to the weight and age of the child. When used to treat any medicines you need to consult a pediatrician.

If the high temperature a child has a bad break, perhaps the use of lytic mixture consisting of "Dipyrone", "Papaverine" and "Diphenhydramine" in equal proportions. The dosage is calculated according to age - for each year of the child 0.1 ml of each drug.

Better if this shot with lytic mixture will be made by the paramedic ambulance.

Than to bring down a high temperature the child's

If you don't know what to bring down the temperature of the child in the intervals between the use of medications, should turn to folk remedies. So how to use preparations of paracetamol and ibuprofen no often than once in six hours, they can become an indispensable tool in the treatment.

Everyone knows the honey, raspberry and lime color well reduce the temperature only at low levels, so if the thermometer seemed to figure 39, it is necessary to apply more powerful tools, including medication.

Well help to reduce the temperature of the baby habitats with vodka and vinegar.

The first mixture is prepared from water and vodka in the ratio of one to one. With the second a little more difficult as vinegar essence, every house can have different percentages of acid. To dilute already diluted the vinegar with water so that the solution tastes only slightly sour.

Prepared solutions to produce a wiping body of a child. Most effectively, they help to bring down a high temperature, if the wet cotton swab where are the major arteries and veins: axillary and inguinal hollows, bends of knees and elbows, feet and hands, neck.

To carry out wiping in any case impossible, if the background of the elevated temperature, the child cold hands and feet, pale or bluish skin.

In this case, it is necessary to warm the extremities, rubbed them and wrapped. Then be sure to give the baby the medicine and a warm drink.

At high temperatures, the body of the baby child or adult of the same dehydrated. In the first case, the baby often need to attach to the breast in the second - to give to drink tea and water in small portions.

To cope with the intense heat will also help the cold bandage on his forehead, which need to be replaced periodically.

If the temperature is approaching 40 degrees, you need to urgently call an ambulance and try to her arrival to bring down the temperature of the child to acceptable values. In such cases, you can even apply a cold bath.

Child with high fever should not be wrapped, you need to provide access of air to the surface of the skin. You need to open Windows, providing a cool. The optimal temperature in the room of a sick child should be 18-20 degrees. This will speed up the process of heat transfer.

There are many supporters and opponents of alternative medicine. Select methods of treatment your child should be taking into account their impact on the body of the baby. If you can't bring the temperature down to a child one tool, you can try another. Over time, you will select something that fits personal to you and your baby. However, the decrease in body temperature must not forget the treatment of the underlying disease, be sure to consult with your doctor.