Emergency house is recognized on the basis of Regulations of bodies of Executive power. The degree of deterioration of the building is determined by various legal documents. Emergency can accept on an equal footing and the house in which there is a threat of collapse, and the house where he had quite a strong Foundation, the building may continue to stand (they are usually described as old).
Depending on the degree of accident develops sequence of actions of tenants. In some cases they have to relocate immediately, others still have the opportunity to live in your home.

How does emergency house

Emergency is considered to be the house in which the load-bearing and enclosing structures have cracks, holes and other damage, which deform the walls and deteriorate the performance properties of the building.

In this building, tenants can easily be injured, even just moving around the apartment. There are cases when people crumbling plaster, underneath, falling balconies, etc.

In an emergency all building engineering systems: electricity, water, heating, etc. – do not meet sanitary and epidemiological norms accepted by law. However, the use of such systems can lead to injuries and even death.

Emergency house does not correspond to the norm and the noise level, and electromagnetic radiation. If all of this is available, tenants can feel free to contact the responsible housing authorities with the request to recognise the house emergency.

You will need to collect a package of documents, which will include residents ' applications and complaints of inadequate quality at home, and technical reports of experts. On the basis of these documents will create the Commission which will decide on the building.

Who are housed from emergency houses

Of course, if the house recognised as emergency, with the danger of collapse, residents need to relocate, and that is what the people have to fight. However, there are a number of nuances to consider, if you are going to defend their right to a new home.

All people who live in emergency house, divided into 2 categories:
- the owners;
- the employers.

The first is those who owned housing the right of ownership, i.e. bought or privatized municipal housing. The second is those who live in the apartment under the contract sotsnayma. Employers can count on relocation in housing in the same area. Because this action has nothing to do with improving conditions.
If tenants are in the queue to the extension, their position and sequence continued despite the relocation.

In the case of owners, the algorithm of actions is somewhat different. There are 2 options: a flat is bought out by the state or the owner requested the redemption price (this amount must include the market value of the apartment, as well as losses associated with the loss of housing). Often, however, the owners do not agree with the price that they offer, and therefore there are often situations when the courts stretch the years of litigation, and people continue to live in emergency housing.

All the residents need to collect a package of documents which will include documents stating which category you belong to tenants, registration of apartments, and more. Owners must make an assessment to determine the cost of their housing. Because under the law the state is not obliged to provide the landlords of dilapidated houses other housing.

If between the owner and the municipality reached an agreement, is a special document and is the procedure of withdrawal of housing with the consent of the owner for cash. If the owner wants a very high price for their housing, the authorized body shall submit to the court, and the owner evicted by the decision of the court, identifying him a price, which in this case will not be below market.