In modern recipes often include a leavening agent composed of soda, citric acid and flour (starch) to prevent premature reaction. Baking powder, when used properly, does not dissolve in water, and mixed with flour and put into the dough. In this case, the reaction starts in the baking process that allows you to leave the dough for some time until it "fits". It is important to purchase the baking powder is not in the paper packing because of possible moisture in the reaction may be manifested directly in the bag.
In the process of producing baking powder in the dough you can't put large amounts of soda – otherwise, it will acquire an unpleasant taste or unnatural shade. For proper quenching of soda is desirable first to mix it with the dry components and citric acid, or vinegar with the liquid ingredients. After that, the dough should knead quickly, entering both of the mixture and then put in the oven. If the recipe of yogurt or sour cream, are not required to extinguish soda in vinegar. Baking soda is best used for sour test and also for the gingerbread, mixed with syrup or honey, which contain natural acid. For the preparation of dough baking powder, as a rule, is not required.
To make baking powder at home, you need to take 3 teaspoons of citric acid, 5 teaspoons of baking soda and 12 teaspoons of flour (or rye or wheat). If desired, citric acid can be replaced by a powder of ground dry currants (5-7 teaspoons), which has a strong and natural acid. All of the above ingredients need to mix with a dry spoon and put into a completely dry jar with a tight lid.
After all ingredients are covered in a jar, it should close tightly and shake thoroughly for several minutes so that all components are finely and uniformly mixed in the tank. Prepared baking powder will act no worse than store-bought, perfectly loosening the dough and giving it more volume. Further, it is possible to use baking powder along with the baking soda for baking of biscuit dough - this Duo will make the finished cake is lush and high.