Passport. This is the basic document, which you will need for admission to hospital. If your passport is being replaced, you should care of the certificate that will confirm your identity and the replacement of the main document. if you get in a hospital without a passport, then of course you will, but later can be difficult. So if you forgot your passport at home, send the wife or girlfriend for him.
The policy of obligatory medical insurance (OMS). The document guarantees free medical care in any institution (except for paid services). This policy may be obtained in any insurance company, but its execution could be delayed for a couple of months. Therefore it is necessary to take care of him in advance if such a document you do not. The insurance company will offer you temporary insurance policy that is also valid.
A certificate of insurance. This document is a green plastic card for every citizen of the Russian Federation. It is issued to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation. To the hospital to take it not required, but you will need it when making a birth certificate.
Exchange card. This card is completed by a physician throughout your pregnancy and is the most important document. In the map there is information about the identity of the woman about her family, about the health of mothers before pregnancy and during it. Also in the map there is information about the future baby, about nutrition and exercise for pregnant women. Exchange card will tell the doctor from the hospital, hurt you infectious diseases, which chronic disease do you have and what to expect from childbirth. Part of the map is made already in the hospital. This part is written about the postpartum condition of the mother and child health. Exchange card contains all the necessary information. Therefore, in case the hospital without this card, a woman in labor is sent to the infectious Department, where she will make all the necessary tests.
Discharge from the hospital. These documents will be needed if during the pregnancy you came into the hospital with complications. These documents will be information about what time were the complications, what they were and how you were treated. This will help the doctors to assess your condition before birth.
Birth certificate. This document is of pink color is needed in the hospital to ensure that the institution has received state aid after your birth. It is issued in the antenatal clinic when going on maternity leave (30 weeks in multiple pregnancies – 28 weeks). Birth certificate consists of a root and three coupons. One of the coupons you have collected by personnel from the hospital the second you leave at the gynecologist, and the third goes to the children's clinic. This document receive all of the inhabitant of Russia and women who reside legally on the territory of the country.
Contract. This document is not mandatory, because in Russia the medicine is free. But if you've signed a contract for paid labor, don't forget it at home. Otherwise you will be on a common basis. Also provided for paid labor, you can conclude just before birth, but it is necessary to know about it beforehand.
The passport of the partner and the results of x-rays. The results of chest x-ray all household members older than 15 years is absolutely necessary. Is to prevent the development of tuberculosis in the walls of the hospital. If you are on birth is the husband or the mother (sister, brother, friend), you also should take care of their passports and certificates from the TB dispensary.