Foods that cause flatulence

To the products causing formation of gases in the intestine, include all kinds of legumes. Even after intensive heat treatment they are quite heavy for digestion, and their breakdown in the stomach and intestines is invariably accompanied by the release of large amounts of gases. That is why the bloating is to give from pea porridge, or soup, beans, chickpeas and peanuts.

Flatulence can cause and cabbage, especially raw or pickled form. Most of the gases released during the digestion of broccoli and cabbage. And the most easy to stomach is considered to be boiled, braised and roasted cauliflower, which you can add the menu even for those who suffer from gastritis. Vegetables also should refuse green pepper and fresh onion.

Another product that promotes the formation of gases is the Apple. Although this fruit is considered to be valuable due to the large number of vitamins and minerals, it is quite hard to digest. That's why to get rid of flatulence should eat apples only in the baked form or at least peeled. Other fruits also should not eat during exacerbation of bloating, especially plums, cherries, cherry and Gergely.

Drinking carbonated beverages can also cause flatulence. If you use gas out of fluid accumulate in the digestive tract that causes severe bloating.

The increased gas production facilitated by the consumption of foods and beverages that cause fermentation processes. These include: white bread, beer, kvass or Kombucha. From them can also occur bloating, belching, heartburn, feeling of heaviness and involuntary leakage of gases.

People who are lactose intolerant, flatulence can cause different dairy products. Worse of all they are usually tolerated milk and milk drinks – yogurt, ayran, tan, kefir and others.

How to get rid of flatulence

Flatulence can be caused not only by use of the above products, but also different problems with the gastrointestinal tract. If, after review of the diet bloating, belching or heartburn continues to bother you should consult a gastroenterologist. Perhaps in the stomach or intestines settled bacteria or infection that interferes with normal digestion. After a course of properly selected antibiotics and probiotics you can forget flatulence forever and again to enjoy the taste of your favorite fruits and vegetables.