You will need
  • ointment based antibiotics;
  • - antiviral drugs;
  • - St. John's wort, alcohol;
  • - Apple cider vinegar;
  • - rosemary extract, tea tree oil;
  • - rose oil, frankincense, tea oil;
  • - parsley.
Treat herpes with the help of various antiviral drugs, for example, "Root", "Acyclovir" and many others. These products are created in pill form and in the form of an ointment which should be applied on the affected skin. Rash coming off pretty quickly, but very often in its place there are traces. The skin is red, sometimes even can form scars.
Be sure to use ointment based antibiotics. This may be tetracycline, or any other tool that will not cause allergic reactions.
Use the recipes of traditional medicine, which will remove the swelling and whiten the skin. A very effective remedy is the tincture of Hypericum. For its preparation take about two tablespoons of the herb of this plant and pour them a glass of pure alcohol. Then put the mixture in a dark place and leave it there for 10 days. Use the substance this way — twice a day apply a small amount of tincture to the affected areas of the lips and face.
In order to get rid of rashes, use Apple cider vinegar, which should be diluted with water in the ratio 1:3. This tonic wash your face every morning. If you have a skin formed scars, then wipe the affected area with cotton wool soaked in undiluted Apple cider vinegar.
Will help to get rid of herpes and essential oils of various plants. Use rosemary or tea tree oil. But note that to apply the substance only on damaged fate, and only a single drop. Can also be used and various mixtures of these oils. For example, the most effective is the mixture for the preparation which you will need equal amounts of rose oil, incense and tea oil. By the way, this means you can safely grease and marks from the rash on the face of the child.
To remove redness and whiten skin, prepare a decoction of parsley, pour it into ice trays and leave in freezer. Every morning after cleansing, wipe face with a piece of ice.