The top layer of soil should be loosened after each watering or rain. Tillage should begin as soon as the soil dries out a bit, but it is necessary to loosen shallowly, the roots of cucumbers are close to the soil surface.
After deployment of the third true leaf cucumbers need a little Spud. This should be done very carefully so as not to damage located at the top of the roots. Such an operation promotes rapid absorption of water, otherwise the stem will rot. This is especially important in the constant rain.
Cucumbers should pinch back once formulated the fifth true leaf. Pinched to do, using a sharp knife, and in any case not to tear off hands.
On the beds with cucumbers you can plant kohlrabi and lettuce salad, which will contribute to a better fruiting.
In cloudy weather it is better to remove with watering grid and to water jet the soil at the base of the stems. Need to water warm water.
Cucumbers in any case not cut off, they can only accurately cut.