September weather in Yalta

The climate in Yalta is somewhat different from other regions of the Crimea. It is much more arid than in the South of the Peninsula, but due to the Black sea is slightly softer than in Simferopol. In the winter it's warm enough, without a lot of rain and strong prolonged cold and summer is dry and quite hot.
Maritime climate in Yalta is successfully combined with steppe, so this resort is suitable for treatment of musculoskeletal or respiratory tract.

With the arrival of September, summer heat and humidity start to subside a little, but the sea in the first half of the month usually remains warm and pleasant for swimming. The day temperature at this time varies from +17 to +25 ° C, water 23 ° above zero. However, quite often in the beginning of the month may be a slight cold, and then drop on hot days, allowing enough to enjoy the velvet season.

In General September in Yalta, as well as in many coastal cities, the unpredictable month in terms of weather. It happens that swimming and sunbathing is possible until the beginning of October. And the next year with the first of the month the temperature can drop to 15-17оС, which naturally leads to cooling of water in the Black sea.

Rainfall this month is also different from year to year. Rain can charge for a few days, maybe a bit to throw a couple of hours, then again the sun will come out.
A very dry September in Yalta falls very rarely, so this month along with swimsuit not interfere with the umbrella or windbreaker.

Things to do in Yalta in September

Today is a holiday in Yalta is suitable for elderly people and for families with children and even young people. In good weather, when the whole day sunbathing on the beach you get bored, you can visit the local water Park. Usually he works until mid-September. During rain, when swimming is not very nice, it's better to visit the Dolphinarium or entertainment complex "Coliseum", located near the Central square of the city, and children can be reduced even in Dinopark. Youth night open clubs "Malibu", "Amsterdam" or "Europe" - where you can dance or just sit at the bar with good company.

September weather is also great for sightseeing. You can admire the architecture of the city and visit, for example, a mosque "Khan-Jami", Muslim monastery "tekie dervishes", the Cathedral of St. Nicholas or the Medieval Turkish bath. As well as participate in various performances, which often take place right on the streets.