It is considered that such a specific problem as helminths, may be relevant only for children who chew on dirty hands, as well as for the homeless and other outcasts. Unfortunately, it is not. Immunity a person is not strong enough to deal with gets in the body from poorly washed greens or rare meat eggs and larvae of worms. How to cure worms in an adult?

Cure for round worms in human

The most common nematodes - round worms, which are easy to get is similar to cutting threads pinworms and resembling earthworms roundworm. And those and others can be detected independently in the contents of the toilet after a bowel movement. No need to panic – they are treated simply.

The most effective against round worms supplements – Nematol, Worm, Dekaris, Vermoxum and Pyrantel. All of these drugs paralyse adult worms, and then dissolve them. This is important for sensitive people who are terrified to see them, came from worms.

Cure tape and flat worms in humans

Tapeworms – bovine and porcine cepni, as well as tapeworm and Anaconda among helminth – broad tapeworm, which can reach a length of 15 meters or more – are treated exclusively under the supervision of a physician. Flat worms, the most common among them opisthorchis, also expelled in the hospital. Drugs, which are commonly used in the case of such serious helminthiasis is Biltricid, Fenasala and Azinoks. All these drugs are very toxic, therefore, dose is calculated as a doctor-parasitologist, depending on the patient's weight. Quite often, the necessary support patient therapy, for example, droppers, so for several days he remains in the hospital.

In fact, to prevent re-infection is quite simple. Wash your hands before eating, thoroughly wash vegetables and herbs, good thermally process meat and fish and avoid eating questionable food in catering, and then the problem of helminthiasis will not affect you.