New visa rules for Kazakhstan

Migratory requirements of Kazakhstan is very fluid and change quite often. So, from June 1, 2013, on the territory of the Republic began to operate the new rules for issuing visas to visit the country. In circulation there are two new types of visas – "immigrant" and "nonimmigrant". K "nonimmigrant" include service, investor, diplomatic, tourist, missionary and transit visas, and the "immigration" visa, obtained for passing the educational course, family reunification, work etc.

In addition, each of the types of visas has 2 or more categories (for example, diplomatic visa, three A1, A2 and A3). On average, a tourist visa is issued for a period up to 90 days with the right of stay on the territory of the Republic within 30 days. For 48 developed countries, including European countries and the United States, Kazakhstan has maintained the simplified procedure for obtaining visas.
By the way, Kazakh visa costs are not so cheap: from 1500 rubles and above.

In Kazakhstan passport?

Fortunately for Russia, along with Belarus, Tajikistan, Armenia, Kyrgyzstan, Ukraine, Georgia, Moldova, Hungary, Slovakia, Romania, Poland and several dozens of countries (the list includes 47 countries), visa-free travel to Kazakhstan. This means that to visit the Republic residents of the Russian Federation do not need not only a visa but a passport to cross the border on a Russian passport. The maximum period of stay in Kazakhstan is 90 days without a visa. If necessary it can be extended.
In Kazakhstan it is most convenient to travel by plane. Travel time (direct flights) range from 3.5 to 5 hours depending on the city of destination.

When crossing the country each traveler is given an immigration card, which is marked on the entry. When leaving from Kazakhstan this card is withdrawn. With this immigration card for the first 5 days after arrival, all foreign nationals, including Russians, need to come to the Migration police of Kazakhstan and to register.

No bureaucratic red tape with the registration should arise – on account you can get up in all airports of Kazakhstan, international road and rail crossings, as well as in any hotel or near the site of the Migration police. To take risks and attempt to avoid registration is not necessary: for violation of the rules of registration the penalty, which will still have to pay before leaving the country.

By the way, not to be trapped with a trip to Kazakhstan, it is better to attend to the issue of the passport – customs regulations of the Republic is very variable, and urgently reschedule the vacation hardly anyone would like. And why, when Kazakhstan so many amazing places.