Statistics show that today's children, Teens and adults still read books, but in a slightly different format, in electronic. It is very good, but the quality of most of the modern works, leaves much to be desired. Not for years developed teenagers just don't understand why read the classics when there are plenty of other fascinating books, which, moreover, is easily seen.

Why the students to read the classics

The love of classical literature impart from a school bench. Literature curriculum is filled with deep and powerful works of Tolstoy and Pushkin, Dostoevsky and Gogol, and other great authors. However, the students stubbornly refuse to read their works.

To read the classics student needs. It is difficult to consider a person educated if he has to say about masterpieces of the world classical literature. Teens are bound to love these books, but know and understand their it needs.

In addition, classic softly and gently opens the child to the real world. Psychologists believe that it is very important for the development and formation of personality of a teenager. If you look closely, you find that lives next to you girl, like Natasha Rostov, and one reminiscent of Raskolnikov. It turns out that the things they do like... Classic is a great painless way to get to know people, understand their underlying motives.

Why an adult should read the classics

The great writers created their works much earlier than the generation of today's adults were born. Many conclude that these books are outdated. However, experts in the field of literature and admirers of the immortal classics believe that it is simply impossible. Tolstoy and Pushkin, and other great writers raised in his works, problems which are timeless, they still do not lose their relevance.

Psychologists around the world recommend refer to classical literature in the moments of life. The book will calm, will open your eyes on the erratic behavior show the way out of the current situation.

Many adult readers recognize that at the age of about thirty years they are a real pleasure reading the classics, but the school could not read a single page. The thing is that with age a person acquires experience, commits a lot of mistakes, his perception of the world changes. Here another view of "Anna Karenina" and "War and peace".

Sooner or later, everyone will come to the classics – domestic or foreign. It is inevitable. Good books are contemporary, they have depth and great meaning.