To give the grandmother iPhone?

Gift for such native and beloved person, like grandma, you need to choose more carefully. One of the best options would be the iPhone which has huge number of advantages. No need to think that grandma will not be able to use it, not understand its functions. Grandmothers are in fact different. And it's not just age, but personality. In my life met such humble and demure that day we baked, and in the evening, playing online games and communicating with friends in social networks.

At least the iPhone is not huge and can fit in the hand and in the pocket of your grandmother. There are a large number of brands of phones that have large screen size. Yes, buy them girls and women, but few are in awe of him, because it's absolutely not practical. The iPhone supports many games, so your grandma will find something to occupy yourself with in the long evenings.

The battery in such a device is very capacious, besides, it has already pre-integrated audio and video player, so any free time grandma will be able to watch your favorite movies and listen to music, reminding her of her youth.

The set of messages in such a device is absolutely easy and intuitive, the screen with a special coating perfectly protected from scratches, and if your grandmother accidentally somewhere will drop it, nothing bad will happen.

On the screen all the text and pictures are visible even in the sun, such a possibility is rare in phones and is a big plus, as they often use the smartphone in the sun is simply impossible. In addition, the iPhone has a good camera which will probably come in handy for the elderly person. The camera will take good quality all the important moments in life that your grandmother is still long I can remember.

Negative qualities of the iPhone

None of the things is all ideal does not happen, so the iphone has its disadvantages. One of them is this fact as the lack of speed dial that could be useful to your grandmother, there is no ability to record video.

Also, before you give an elderly person the iPhone, you have to take into account the fact that in this age of grandparents usually begin to see the bad, use glasses, so there is a possibility that it just won't be able to use such a device.

Consider the character of your grandmother. If she is interested in computers, well versed in ordinary mobile phones, most likely, it is not difficult to learn the functions of the iPhone, but if she is not able to use even a simple cell phone, it is better not to risk and not to buy her such an expensive gift.

After all these pros and cons, should think, would be delighted if the grandmother of your gift. Find out more about what applications she would like to use in your phone.