Studying nutrition science

The word "nutrition science" comes from the Latin "nutricium" (power) and the Greek "logos" (teaching, science). The nutrition science is a science about products, their preparation methods and their effect on the human body. Specialist-nutritionist studies the substances and components contained in the food.
The nutrition science is a relatively young science.

The human body is constantly updated, while the old cells are destroyed and the formation of new, constantly synthesize hormones, enzymes, and other substances. The nutritionists believe that this process depends on the quantity and composition of food, therefore, these factors will depend on the health and vitality of a person. The basis of nutrition is the notion that the body is self-regulating system. If you saturate it useful and correct substances in the correct ratio, it will contribute to the development of new cells, metabolism, energy production, slow down aging, prevent disease.

In recent decades, food is too full of chemical substances, various preservatives, many products are harmful to human health. Therefore, in modern conditions science nutrition science is a way to prevent the development of diseases and preservation of health of people. Its aim is the study of the laws of the influence of food on the human body, ways easy assimilation of food, her elimination from the body, as well as the study of food choice motives and mechanisms of influence of this choice on health.

What can help a nutritionist

For the preservation of their health should know the fundamentals of nutrition, this can help a specialist nutritionist. He will select the required type of nutrition (diet therapy, balanced nutrition, sports, baby food). Called rational nutrition with optimal intake of food (at certain times). A balanced diet is adequate in all nutrients of the diet, which corresponds to the individual characteristics of the organism and way of life. Medical-preventive nutrition provides diet, chosen to prevent changes in the organism under the influence of adverse factors.
Rehabilitation nutrition helps to restore impaired body functions after illness, mental turmoil, trauma.

A nutritionist will help the patient to adjust various painful conditions using the assigned nutraceuticals (amino acids, minerals, proteins, vitamins) and parapharmaceutics (juices, berries, herbs, teas, etc.) Assigned to the biologically active substances will provide functional support to the body.