The main principles of food at a stomach ulcer

Peptic ulcer is a disease caused by improper diet, impaired nervous system or "bad" heredity. Its characteristic feature is a chronic course with alternating periods of remissions and exacerbations. Vivid symptoms of the disease are such deviations of health, such as:
• heartburn;
• belching;
• vomiting;
• pain in the stomach.

Respect for a sick stomach begins with the exclusion from the diet products, has an intense sokogonnym action, too cold and too hot food, and food that can cause irritation of the gastric mucosa.
About alcohol drinks, canned food, spicy snacks, sausages and savoury dishes gastric ulcer should be forgotten forever.

The patient must eat no a couple of times a day until satiety, and often up to 6 times, and in small portions. The interval between meals should be about 4 hours.

Useful food composition is as follows:
• fat – 100 – 110g per day;
• proteins, vitamins, minerals – 100 g;
• carbohydrates – up to 450 grams per day.

What foods you can eat with a stomach ulcer?

Special nutritional value for patients with gastric ulcer is milk and its products – sour cream and cream, cream. They are rich in substances involved in the recovery processes of the body.

The bread should be of wheat, white and preferably yesterday, slightly dried. During the day are allowed to eat 400 grams of bread. From confectionery products it is possible to choose not butter cookies, biscuits, crackers.

Useful first dish is a milk pureed soup with noodles or cereals. The cereal should be semi-liquid made with water with milk. You can cook rice, barley, oatmeal and buckwheat.
The mushroom lovers suffering from stomach ulcers, you must give up the mushroom broth. Not suitable for food and meat nourishing meals.

Fish low-fat varieties should be used in steam or boiled. Lean meat should be free of tendons. Veal, beef and game cooked souffle, steam cutlets, meatballs, etc.

Resolved to eat boiled pasta and eggs soft-boiled or steam omelets. Vegetables cooked puree and steam puddings without the crust. In diet recipes included zucchini, carrots, pumpkin, potatoes, beets.

Than you can treat yourself with a stomach ulcer?

When stomach ulcer can you eat sweet varieties of berries such as: raspberries, strawberries. The fruits are astringent varieties are used in boiled, baked or mashed form. Of them can cook compotes, kissels, jelly.

To satisfy the need for fluids in stomach ulcer will help sour berry juices, decoctions of wheat bran and rose hips, vegetable juices.