When people need an endocrinologist

Any violation in the work of glands of internal secretion necessary to address to the endocrinologist. But because the symptoms of these disorders is very diverse, sometimes difficult to understand, you must visit the doctor or not.

If you often inexplicable signs of weakness, fatigue, apathy, indifference, or conversely, excessive nervousness, you should visit an endocrinologist. This doctor is also necessary in cases of sudden changes in weight, disappearance of appetite, insomnia, poor digestion.

If women have menstrual disorders, bleeding becomes profuse (or the opposite, very poor), they need to visit not only the gynecologist, and endocrinologist.

Consultation of the endocrinologist needed in those cases, if the person has tremors in the extremities, poor tolerance of heat or cold, and have problems with hair, nails (they become weak, brittle). Often about problems with the endocrine glands indicates increased perspiration.

A visit to the endocrinologist is necessary if there are signs indicating a possible development of diabetes. Such signs primarily include: frequent and copious urination, itching of the skin and mucous membranes, dry mouth and constant thirst, blurred vision, frequent inflammatory lesions of the skin, headache, fatigue.
To visit you need endocrinologist and infertility with both partners.

Women wishing to become pregnant, it is strongly recommended to be examined by an endocrinologist. The services of the doctor will need the fairer sex, and the selection of contraceptives.

In some cases, you need to show the endocrinologist the child

Consultation with endocrinologist is needed if the child is often sick. In this case, the endocrinologist will determine the cause of a weak immune system.
You need to take the child to an endocrinologist if you are experiencing developmental delay, as in mental sense and physical.

Necessarily need to consult this expert when excess or insufficient weight of the child. Finally, the inspection of a specialist is required if in the transition period the secondary sexual characteristics of the child or does not occur, or hardly noticeable.