Listen to a disgruntled customer and promised to look into the matter. Even if the person is not right, do not try this step to prove anything. There are always two sides to the coin. When working with clients, in some situations, act as a therapist. The interviewee should leave with the satisfaction that he listened and promised to help.
Thoroughly understand the situation. In conflict there are times when the right side makes mistakes which swells the fire. If you want to continue the cooperation with the customer to the problem, think what the nuances are so annoying it.
Inform the client that the actions of the employees of the company were incorrect. It can be irrelevant stuff, but if the client digs them and feels offended, you will have to present them as important.
Tell me what upset that offended client. The person with difficult character, it is important to know that the other side is not just a mistake, but regrets that this happened. Need an emotional connection to eliminate barriers.
Ask yourself, what actions will make up for it. The reaction can be twofold. Adequate person will apologize. If the client was so angry, he can not go on contact. In any case, it is important to ask what he wants for reconciliation.
Wait for the appropriate emotional attitude of the client and offer to continue the cooperation. In that moment, when you apologize, people may not be ready to establish relations. He may need more time to cool off. Periodically inquire as soon as they see that the client on your side, offer to work on. Promise me you'll be careful in the implementation of commitments.