The fastest way to get to Mikhnevo is to buy a ticket for the local train, which is more than 50. Every day from Paveletsky station there are the following train: "Moscow — Necklace", "Moscow between uzunovo", "Moscow — Stupino, Moscow — Kashira" and "Moscow" Mikhnevo. It is necessary to go to the station "Mikhnevo", and the drive takes approximately 1 hour and 25 minutes.
A good way to get to Mikhnevo is a bus ride away. In the first case five daily flights "Moscow — Mikhnevo" depart from Krasnogvardeyskaya station, which is located near the metro station "Krasnogvardeyskaya. The road to the stop "Mikhnevo" will take approximately 1 hour and 40 minutes, depending on the situation on suburban roads.
There is a second option to get to Mikhnevo on the bus. For this we need to buy a ticket on a flight that twice a day departs from the Shchelkovo bus station.
Many people prefer to drive around the suburbs. And here there are several options how to get to your destination. The first option is to move the car on the highway M4 don and nowhere to turn. After 35 kilometers after the town of Domodedovo airport will check-in Mikhnevo.
Since M4 don is very busy at almost any time of day, there are ways to avoid traffic. Under the second option, you can go on the highway M5 Ural through Bronnitsy, but after 25 km turn left and keep to the main road up to the entrance in Mikhnevo.
A third option is to go on less busy Egorievsk highway, then to go to Moscow Small ring, and then at the airport "Domodedovo" to rotate in the direction of Mikhnevo.
You can also get to Mikhnevo, if you first get on the highway M4 don and drive through Podolsk and Klimovsk. And after 6 kilometers after Chekhov to turn the signs right in Mikhnevo. The road to your destination will take approximately 1 hour and 30 minutes. But if on the roads there will be serious congestion, the time spent on this path, it may take 3, and even 4 hours.