Choosing between higher education institutions, decide on the scope of activities. There are more than 60 specialties associated with the management, the most popular of them is financial management, international management, hotel and tourist business, information management, marketing, management in media, logistics systems, etc. there is Also a separate area managers who manage staff. In Universities this speciality is divided into 3 specialization: "HR consulting and audit", "Management employment", "HR-management".
Read more with each of the specialties you can find on the Internet. On the website you will find the top 10 highest ranked Universities of Moscow and for a larger list of Universities with Management visit All higher educational institutions of Moscow, the Management has a two-tiered training after which you can get a diploma of bachelor or master. The profession of Manager can be obtained in institutions of secondary vocational education - technical schools or colleges.
In addition to admission to the UNIVERSITY or College, you can study management courses. At the moment, your attention is given a huge selection of different training centres on the basis of which is provided a quality education. For example, courses in the training center of the Academy of Professional Management in the short term will not only strengthen your theoretical base, but will also give you the opportunity to realize the received knowledge in practical classes and seminars.