Taking into account the fact that car seats of different brands differ markedly from each other and have a number of individual characteristics, the chair that praises your girlfriend, can bring discomfort to your baby. Therefore, in order to make the right choice and not regret, you should wait a bit and choose a car seat with the child. If you still want to buy it in advance, just in case discuss the issue with the exchange with the Manager of the store where you purchased this product.
For newborns are perfect for two car seats group 0 (calculated on the weight from 0 to 10 kg) and 0+ (weight 0 to 13 kg). However, this is only a theory. In practice, selection of individual seats for each newborn child.
A good car seat needs to be upholstered not the brand colors, which can easily be removed for washing and has no uneven seams. Upholstery material must be of high quality, non-toxic textiles. Also, please pay particular attention to the car seat had the anatomical shape of the seat, headrest and durable handle for carrying. Please note that car seat for a newborn must have a special insert for the baby.
Once you have decided on the model of the chair, talk about passing the crash tests. Some of the popular manufacturers ceased to produce car seats of the group 0, as most of them have successfully passed the crash test. So, if you are offered "super reliable" car seat this group, please know that it does not guarantee 100% safety for your child.
Remember that for infants the safest way long trips is the seat, set back on a course of movement as the neck of the baby is still weak and requires maximum support. Don't forget, a correctly fitted seat is a guarantee of safety of your precious baby!