Analyze your diet. To lose weight, your diet should be as close to rational. Get him a pastry, white bread, salty, fried, smoked and fatty meals. Try to eat in the morning porridge, lean meat and fish, dairy products. After 15 hours, avoid eating dishes from cereals, fruits, meat products. For dinner you can consume vegetables, lean fish, yogurt.
Drink during the day, plenty of clean water, decoction of rose hips, chamomile. They help rid the body of toxins. Useful for weight loss also green tea. Try to reduce the consumption of black tea, coffee, stewed fruits. If you like to drink tea with sweets or cakes, replace these sweets with honey or a small piece of dark chocolate.
Pay attention to the mode of the day. If you go to bed long after midnight, a great risk not only to lose existing weight, but also to gain new ones. The body in the allotted time to sleep no time to relax. Even if you Wake up closer to lunch, will feel broken and tired. Proper rest you will get, if you go to bed before 23 o'clock. In this case, you, the normalization of metabolism, which leads to the natural conclusion of toxins and lose those extra pounds.
Be sure to increase physical activity. For example, start going to fitness classes, dance, yoga, gym. If you don't want to train in specialized centers, use of exercises, which are mostly found in the Internet, specialized magazines, etc. Try not to use public transport, car if you need to pass only 2 – 3 stops. These small walks will help to quietly get rid of excess weight. Rapid weight loss also contributes to the failure of the Elevator. Daily run of the stairs will be for you a great aerobic training.
If you have the opportunity to enjoy a massage, indulge in this pleasure. The hands of a good specialist will do your figure wonders. A professional will not only save you from cellulite, extra kilos, but also just retreat your forms again. For example, 2 – 3 treatments to the area of the waist will make you more slender and graceful. Gorgeous slimming effect renders honey massage. For one such procedure you can get rid of 1 to 3 kilograms of excess weight. Making it once a week for a month, it's easy to throw up to 10 pounds.