The Site has a huge number of users of different ages. When you start to look on this site their friends and acquaintances, you type in the search name and the name of the person. Unfortunately, people with the same names and surnames there are many, so for reliability, you can type in the search engine and age of the person and the citywhere he was born or resides. But sometimes there are situations when I meet people who have a name and surname coincide age and city. In this case, to find his friend you will only his avatar. If you don't want your friends to have experienced inconvenience during your search profiles on the site, install on your page avatar. The avatar is the main photo that will display when viewing your page. In the picture it is best to set individual photos of good quality. To do this first take a picture and upload the photo to your computer.
On the main page of your account you will see tabs: "Main", "Friends", "Photos", "Groups", "Notes", "Games", "More". Click on the "Photos" tab. Before you open the window in the left corner you'll see "Add photo". When you click on it, you will see a small window in which you will need to select the desired photo from your computer and upload it.
When the picture has loaded, hover over it with the mouse cursor. Ahead you will see the following functions: "Make main", "tag friends", "to Move". To put a photo on avatar, click on the "Make main". Thus, this photo will be displayed on the main page of your account. If you want to change this image to any other, do the same operation again, but with a different picture.