Children love when adults take part in their games, so if a child spends all day at home, more play together. Great pastime - Board games: dominoes, puzzles, constructors. You can arrange a competition - who will collect the picture from the puzzle. You can also draw, make beautiful applique of colored paper and hang their joint creation on the wall.
Don't forget that a child needs daily physical activity. And despite the fact that he is sitting at home, you have to let him burn off excess energy. Of course, you can silently watch as he jumps on the sofas and rolling on the floor. But you will bring a child immense pleasure, dividing with him his game. Turn up the music, arrange a small disco party or dance contest - who will peretantsuet?
Possible for some time to take a child watching a cartoon, for example, if you need to cook dinner. But this activity should not be delayed. On watching cartoons and educational gear allot an hour and a half a day.
If you are busy with something, and the child asks to play with him, can ask him to bring from another room his favorite toy. Once it does, immediately send it to the next task - to bring the red cube, then a small doll, etc. Perhaps in search of the dolls, the kid will get distracted by the toy that have not seen, and a little play with it myself while you finish business.
If a child wants to be in the kitchen while you make dinner, you can take it an interesting game here. Will oblepicha clay glass jar, put before the child a little different grains and ask him to this grain decorated the jar so it looks like a vase. This exciting game will appeal to both toddler and older child, and she is useful in that it develops fine motor skills.
All of the children's jewellery shop - put in a bowl of confectionery, namely, lasagne and pasta of different sizes, take a thin lace and beads together make for the store. Will especially appreciate this game girls, because then you can dress up in such an unusual handmade jewelry. To the beads was even more original, you can first pasta paint colors and dry and then strung on a string.
You can arrange a puppet theatre playing with the child some well familiar him a story. It will give pleasure to you and him. In short, games that you can take baby home, a great many, the main thing is not to be lazy, to apply imagination, to infect the child as his positive attitude and not sit back.