The causes of schizophrenia

Currently, the credible causes of schizophrenia are not completely understood. However, there are many hypotheses. The most recognized of these is the theory on the complex nature of the etiology of schizophrenia. A significant role in the development of this disease is genetic factor. Individuals with schizophrenia most often encountered in families with a genetic predisposition to mental disorder. However, patients with schizophrenia children can grow up in healthy families, and such cases, there is a mass.

Also has a right to exist, the assumption that disturbance in the brain chemical balance, as well as the likely anatomical abnormalities in the brain. Furthermore, some scientists admit that the trigger for the emergence of schizophrenia could serve as negative environmental conditions, for example, a stressful situation. Many psychiatrists and psychologists believe that it is possible to inherit only a predisposition to the disease, and the pressure society is able to provoke disorders.

Most researchers of this mental disorder, agree that schizophrenia can cause weakness of character or error of the patient education. However, children raised in a family where one parent suffers from this disease, with time, develop similar symptoms.

These children acquired various inadequate response to adverse external environment. It can be crying, screaming or some other inadequate response. Also it can be hard to talk. If parents do not show the necessary attention to the child and raised it in a non emotional, cool atmosphere and also can be discussed about the various deviations from society.

The symptoms of schizophrenia

A complex combination of various symptoms of schizophrenia are conventionally divided into 3 groups. The first of them are the positive symptoms. The word "positive" is used here not in the meaning "good" and means that there are signs that committed unusual for a healthy person. Positive symptoms of this disease rank as hallucinations and delusions.

The second group consists of disorganized symptoms, which are manifested in the inability of the patient to respond adequately to what is happening and to think logically. For example, patients with schizophrenia include incoherent speech, and sudden chaotic transitions from one idea to the next. Movement in these patients occurs at a slower rate, they constantly lose or forget things, a long time repeat the same movements.

The third group form the so-called negative symptoms of schizophrenia, which are expressed in the lack of emotions or inappropriate display on the situation, for example, inappropriate laughter. Patients with this disorder may experience apathy, indifference, loss of desire, lack of interest in life. They are often typical polarity of emotions, as well as the ability to be a long time in a state of immobility. Another sign of schizophrenia is obedinet facial expressions of the patient when his face reflected emotions.

Schizophrenia - a disease or characteristic?

To recognize the presence of schizophrenia in humans can only qualititively psychiatrist. In ordinary life to distinguish suffering from schizophrenia from healthy person is impossible or very difficult. For example, the patient may be the leader of any enterprise, but he manages them emotionally and not hard enough (due to a mental disorder). It is not only good for him, but also brings significant income. Typically, patients with schizophrenia choose a niche or a simple activity. But due to the fact that they are developing in this narrow way, they are able to achieve great success in the professional sphere.

If you look at history, we can say that a famous personality or suffered from schizophrenia or had the makings of this mental disorder. Here you can remember Franz Kafka, Vrubel or van Gogh. Unusual fate of the famous mathematician and schizophrenic John Nash was reflected in the movie "a beautiful mind". Being sick, mathematician went through the hell of treatment, but was able to regain clarity of mind and return to research and teaching, received the award. However, he remained ill.
There is probably a connection between the deviation from normality and creative thinking. It is no accident that schizophrenia is credited with creative people and outstanding personalities in the arts and various Sciences.

However, from the point of view of official medicine, schizophrenia definitely is a disease. This is due to the fact that it has a deviation from a particular norm, runs a chronic, its symptoms associated with disorders of the Central nervous system and brain, and some of its causes are genetic predisposition and neurobiological disorders.

The term "schizophrenia" is not in vain is translated as "splitting of the mind" or "splitting of the soul." After all, one of the problems with suffering from the disease is internal disharmony. This can be manifested in inappropriate behavior (people are cruel, rude, beschuvstvie, but to plants and animals shows a lot of warmth, tenderness and love), the emergence of various hallucinations and echoes of thoughts (self-talk, the sound of his own thoughts).
Not to be subject to the possibility of schizophrenia, the person needs to find within himself the integrity, balance and harmony.

As a rule, the patient with schizophrenia has an internal conflict that is associated with an internal disagreement or suppression of any part which he does not accept. Not all sufferers of this disease brilliant, create and create. Many of them closed in his inner world and do not want to do anything at all. They no longer care about their appearance and health. The symptoms of the disease can lead to his isolation from society, from the possibility of communication with others and to live a full life.

The treatment of schizophrenia

The treatment of schizophrenia comes to medical drugs in combination with psychotherapy. Medicines usually are antidepressants and antipsychotics. The doctor in the treatment process must develop the individual treatment program, which should help this patient.

Successful treatment of this disease depends on the collaboration of the physician and the patient. Ideally, the doctor should be interested in how to help the sick and to reach out to him so that he began to tell him everything as it is.
The patient must comply with prescribed medical treatment, and most importantly, he should want to get rid of his illness. However, individuals with schizophrenia often refuse treatment because of pressures of loved ones.

The lack of patient understanding that he really is sick - is the main difficulty in its treatment. The most important thing is to do no harm, find the line between home treatment and hospitalization. After all, when a person is isolated from society, it can become much worse. To normal subsequently to return it will be very difficult.