You will need
  • - grass letters;
  • - grass violet tricolor;
  • - the buds of the black poplar.
First and foremost, rest. In the acute stage of the inflammatory urological diseases the slightest hypothermia causes the chronic form of the disease.
For the purposes of treatment, contact your doctor, who will select medications based on the severity of the disease. Proteinuria is just a symptom, accordingly, is not treated protein in the urine, and the disease, which was caused by his appearance. Appointed by drugs that reduce blood clotting, decongestant, antihypertensive and antibacterial agents.
Be sure to follow a salt-free diet with restriction of salt intake less than 2 grams per day. Also watch the volume of urine in accordance with the drinking liquid. The amount of liquid reduce to a liter a day, drinking it in the form of juice with black currant, lemon or broth hips.
Meat and fish for 2-3 months significantly reduce, replacing meals of rice, pumpkin, steamed vegetables and fruits. Consume more of dried apricots, raisins, dairy products with fat content not more than 2,5%, beet.
Prepare the anti-inflammatory collection. Take in equal amount of the herb betony, violet tricolor and kidneys black poplar, cut, mix. Tablespoon of the mixture pour 200 ml of boiling water, and insisting 30 minutes, strain. Take 40 ml three to four times a day before meal. The course of treatment – 3 weeks then 7 day break and continue treatment to 3-4 months.