You will need
  • - brusochka fabric;
  • - tracing;
  • - tailor's chalk;
  • - scissors;
  • - thread to match the fabric;
  • - needle;
  • - a sewing machine.
Sewing a blouse, choose light plutonia fabrics, Batiste, chiffon, crepe, satin, crepe, knitted cloth, viscose and others. However, please note that if you do not have good tailoring skills, try not to sew silk fabrics as they are hard to handle. This requires certain skills.
Select your favorite model blouse at a fashion magazine. With the help of tracing paper, copy the pattern, in accordance with your size. Lay the pattern on the wrong side of the fabric, folded in half face inward. Draw the contours of the pattern tailor's chalk. Leave a seam, 1.5 cm from each side. With sharp scissors cut out detail blouse.
Remove all the Darts, shoulder and side side. Try not to sew the seam to make it easier to stitch the seams on the sewing machine without removing the basting.
Baste sleeve and vacate it by hand basting stitches in the armhole. Try on the blouse. Adjust, if necessary the product in accordance with your body shape: increase or decrease the Darts, shoulder and side seams. All the fixes lock safety pins. Then baste all of the slices according to your corrections and try again. If you are satisfied with the fit of the blouse may be sewn on the sewing machine.
Prostrochite tuck. Zautyuzhte them on one side. Next, stitch the shoulder and side seams. Allowances cut to 0.7 - 1 cm and apply a zigzag stitch or seam overlocked. Zautyuzhte them back.
Then treat in the same way the sleeve and armhole vacate it. Allowances of each seam, cut close to the stitching, sewn them together and zautyuzhte to the side of the sleeve.
Clean the neck of the blouse. If the model does not imply no collar or tie, then sew tselnokrajnie a facing or a forward bake. Fold it into wrong side and a hidden hem stitch by hand. Obtachku zautyuzhte.
If you wish to sew the collar, then fold details of collar right sides to each other, the line mark the middle. The sections of the collar prostrochite on a typewriter. Cut the corners close to stitching and turn on the front side. Detail proutyuzhte. Collar vacate in the neck, connecting the middle of the collar and back. Tuck and sew the seam allowance on the inner cut of the collar.
Bottom of the blouse tuck twice and astrocyte on the machine. The finished product proutyuzhte. Undo delete.