Open a browser and go to the official website of your ISP. If the provider supports direct payment account Bank card, a link to a special web page for payment should be right on the main page of the official website. Click on it. The following page should contain two fields, one of which is enter the unique number of your contract on connection, and the amount you wish to Deposit. After that, click "Pay".
Enter the required card data to the next web page. Typically, the standard form for payment by Bank cards in the network contains a field to enter the number of the Bank card drop-down list where you can select the date of expiration of your card. In addition, in the next field enter special CVC2 code, located on the back of the card. Check the entered data again, then click "Pay".
Select the method of authentication to confirm the payment. This measure is used to ensure maximum security of your card. There are two authentication methods: via SMS, or using one-time passwords. If your Bank card tied to the mobile phone number, choose authenticated by SMS. In this case, the phone will receive an SMS with a special code that must be entered on the following web page to confirm payment. One-time passwords to the terminals of the Bank. Free printout of their, and each of them can be used once for the transaction.