You will need
  • - instant pregnancy test;
  • - necesbary for tests
Use instant test for pregnancy. These are sold in every pharmacy. The test detects levels of HCG (human Chorionic gonadotropin) in urine, the amount of which shows a woman's pregnant or not. Take the quiz and read the instructions carefully. Instant test for pregnancy is recommended in the morning as this is the time of day the hormone levels in urine maximum. Usually a rapid survey done about a week after the alleged date of onset of the next menstruation. But since afterbirthfirst period of menstruation is often absent, the test must be done when the first symptoms or doubts.
Listen to your feelings. Many women experience some discomfort during pregnancy – nausea, headaches, irritability, weakness and fatigue, sometimes even the desire to eat something spicy or salty, exacerbation of smell, frequent urination, etc.
Refer to the gynecologist. Tell the principal symptoms of your condition, especially your cycle until pregnancy and after childbirth and so on. The doctor performs a vaginal exam and determines whether you are pregnant or not.
Give blood for levels of HCG (human chorionic gonadotropin) in the blood. If its level is above normal, then most likely you are pregnant. This method of determining pregnancy is one of the most accurate.
Do the ultrasound (ultrasound). Using ultrasound to determine pregnancy, as well as pathology and deviation, with maximum reliability.