You will need
  • - the time sheet;
  • payroll.
First determine for what period you need to calculate the average monthly wage, for example, for six months (6 calendar months). If this period was not worked out fully, it is necessary to sum up only those days which under labour law, may enter in the billing period.
This may include the actual days spent at work, the days of forced truancy, and others. Exclude from the calculation period of absence, absence in the list of disability, days of maternity leave, leave for child care and other periods which are set by the labor law.
The calculation of compensation for unused vacation, number of days worked in the month is rounded. That is, if you worked for more than 15 days in one calendar month, it is counted as a whole conversely, under 14 and less days worked do not include in the calculation period.
Then add up all the payments for the required period. Note that discretionary bonuses, any financial assistance, various dividends, loans must be deducted from the total amount.
After this, the resulting value will be divided by the number of months in the billing period. The resulting number will be the average monthly wage.
If you need to calculate the average monthly wage for severance pay, calculate first the average daily earnings. Then, multiply the resulting number by the number of working days in the first or, if necessary, in subsequent working months after the dismissal.