Any kitten ears need regular inspection. It is recommended to do this in daylight or under bright light to carefully inspect the ear. If you notice dirt, sulfur, or plaque, that means it's time to clean the ears.
First, make sure that the cat is not infected with ear mites. If in the ears of the kitten you found black dots, a large quantity of dark-brown sulfur, which looks like flakes, then in most cases it's ear mites. In addition, the kitten may constantly shaking his ears, rubbing or scratching them. To confirm the disease and cure it, you can take your pet to the vet.
If the animal does not need treatment, ears still dirty, then to clean suitable humid (in any case not wet) cotton ball. They wipe the visible part of the ear. It is not recommended to use cotton buds, they you can harm the animal.
If you are preparing the kitten for the exhibition, then the above method will not work, because the judge will still look into the ears of your pet. Most people recommend to use a special lotion "bars" to clean the ears. It is also used to prevent mites. The lotion looks like sour cream. Putting a little money into the ear, gently bend it and lightly massage.
If dirt was a little more you don't need to do anything. However, if it was a lot, then some hours later you must re-wipe the ears with a cotton pad. Another advantage of this lotion is that after using it in the ears remains a layer that protects the ear canal from dirt and harmful microorganisms.
After brushing, the kitten can still long time to worry, shaking his head, rubbing the ears. Therefore, it is desirable to abuse hygienic cleaning. In most cases it will be enough that you will RUB the ears of your pet with a dry towel.
If your kitten reacts negatively to ear cleaning, it is best to first "swaddle" him in a tight towel, leaving outside only the head. After the procedure, be sure to praise the animal and treat him with something tasty.