People who take everything to heart, very quickly become patients of psychologists, and then neurologists. Learn to evaluate any situation from the point of view of threats to your life and well-being. If some problem scares and disturbs you, it is sensible to consider the effect – you are unlikely to get fired for this (chew, fall out of love, deprive of communication, etc.), and so to worry over. Frightening you think of the upcoming conversation as inevitable, unpleasant, but short-lived.
Always remember that life can't only consist of the failures or joys, is a "mixture" of both. Any trouble consider with regard to possible lessons for you, there is nothing more valuable than your own experience. The problem is not eternal, and sooner or later the situation will change and it will become irrelevant.
If you are used to worry about little things, it speaks of low self esteem. Appreciate and love yourself, your heart, your nerves – a drawback your personality.
Take care of your health and soberly assess their capabilities, do not grasp several things at once, while seeking to fulfill all perfect. Indulge yourself as often as possible, learn to relax mentally and physically.
There are things and situations that people can change, and those that he can not change. Take circumstances for granted and do not torture yourself unnecessarily. If something torments you constantly and takes all of your thoughts, you are desperately trying to solve the problem and get upset when nothing comes out, leave it as is. Just avoid mentioning that you are sad, try to banish disturbing your thoughts.
Surround yourself with friendly people with easy attitude to life – you have much to learn from them. Do not waste energy on fighting non-existent problems, send it in a constructive direction: engage your positive emotions into your life, do things you love, learn to enjoy these things.