Start the registration of the deed with instructions the name of the document "the marriage Act", placing it at the top center of the sheet. Directly under it write the name of the enterprise and a structural unit (Phil, area, shop, etc.), which made the act. Specify the number and date of issuance of the order or instruction, the basis for the reflect. Take the right for signature of the head, as it is a mandatory condition of registration. Here write "Claim", position, name of Manager, leave room for the personal painting and the date of sight, transcribe, in parentheses, signature(surname and initials).
Write the number of the act according to an ongoing enterprise accounting, the date and place of its execution. Briefly specify the essence of the document, for example, "marriage in the production."

The content of the document, complete the tabular form which is convenient to place all the characteristics of products, name, quantity, cost, reasons for marriage, the perpetrators. bring the total amount of the withdrawal. This part is especially important for accounting, so enter the amount in figures and words.
In the final part of the act, write the number of copies and to whom they are addressed. Get separate lines for the signatures of all members of the Commission on the statement of marriage is revealed, starting with the Chairman. Next, place the signature of financially responsible person. It will be the format of the post, a painting, decoding (surname, initials). The last paragraph, specify the decision of the head about the assignment of the value of the defective goods at the expense of cost, financially responsible person, profit, etc..
As a complement to main content will place at the end of the document table with the description of the defect (specifying the possible reasons for its occurrence, cipher of reason, amounts, etc.). This part is important for the analysis of the causes of marriage in production.