You will need
  • Oxalic acid,
  • formic acid,
  • nitric acid,
  • "Metalin",
  • The "case",
  • vinegar
  • salt,
  • soda,
  • acetone,
  • soap,
  • ammonia,
  • ammonia and ammonium carbonate,
  • home with oxalic acid, rags,
  • plastic bucket, gloves,
  • respirator,
  • a thin brush.
"The eternal metal" can be cleaned using oxalic acid. In this case, the acid may be applied in pure form, as, for example, in the composition of gels for bath etc. (you should carefully read the component list on the label). Means to be applied on the brass item and leave for a few minutes. The surface under the influence of the gel will darken even more, but now the plaque can be removed with a thin brush under running water. After the need to fill the brass with baking soda for a few minutes and then gently rinse the baking soda and wipe the product.If this does not work, you should try to influence the brass directly oxalic acid, spreading it in the proportion of 200 grams per 10 liters of water. The solution can be used both hot and cold. To clean the brass in the fluid it is best to take plastic containers and use gloves and a respirator. After treatment with a solution of oxalic acid brass product you must immediately wipe dry.
If oxalic acid is not cleaned the brass completely, try wiping product soaked in acetone with a cotton swab. After this it is necessary carefully to wash the brass object with soap and water. Another option is to put the product in a container of water, where a divorced Cup of white vinegar and tablespoon of salt. This liquid should be brought to the boil. Then it is necessary to cook the object for a few hours, periodically adding water (the darker something is, the more time it will take cleaning it in this way).
You can also try to clean items made of brass with a special acidic medium "Metalin" and "Case" (the solution concentration is 5 - 20%), ammonia (solution concentration is 10%), ammonia, ammonium carbonate (koncentracia solution – 10 – 15 %), and nitric and formic acid. In these cases, the liquid should soak a cloth or flannel cloth and clean the product.