You will need
  • Fabric for Panama, paper patterns (preferably graph paper), centimeter tape, pins, scissors, tape, and any decorations that you want to put on Panama. To find the right model and pattern, you may need the Internet.
Measure the circumference of your head, add to the result another couple of inches depending on the thickness of your hair, usual hairstyle, tissue density and depth of Panama.
Build a pattern for the future of Panama in the first circle, then the rectangle that later will become the crown. Length of a rectangle is the circumference of your head. Another circle will need for the fields, unless of course you want a Panama hat with a nice wide brim. For fields you will need two circles, the second will be held at deferred points: field length plus the radius of the circumference of the head, which is considered by the school to the formula (2?r). The resulting paper details fasten with pins to make an exact copy of your future of Panama. Carefully inspect the paper layout on the subject of mistakes and errors, so as not to ruin the fabric.
How to sew <strong>Panama</strong>
Cutting the resulting pattern fabric, adding one inch for seams. First you need to grind the sides, then sew the bottom. Then territory of Panama must be processed, and to sew Panama the most important part – the-top detail. Decorations (ribbon, embroidery, beading) will be used for finishing of Panama, defining its purpose: beach or everyday.
How to sew <strong>Panama</strong>