In order to be able to do so, you must reside in that region in which it is established by legislative (e.g., Leningrad, Sverdlovsk region, Republic of Buryatia), as well as to belong to one of the privileged categories of citizens of the Russian Federation, for example, be a young family. A young family is the family, the age in which both spouses does not exceed 35 years. In addition, the family must be recognized as needing improved housing conditions and do not have their own housing. First of all stand on record: submit an application to the local administration or the Committee on management of municipal property.
If you want to get the site entirely within the respective program then you have nothing else to do and don't have to. Only wait, wait and wait. For many years, until finally you'll enjoy the most coveted land for purely symbolical Board and even almost no costs for site preparation. But you can go the other way.
Enclose with the administration of the contract for a three-year lease of the site under the organization of smallholders (private farms). As a young family, needing improvement of living conditions, you will likely meet. After signing the contract and execute all necessary site documents, and then proceed to the construction of ownership. As such, going even a simple shed. Now you lease the land you have property. Based on this, apply the same Committee on management of municipal property to purchase land at a reduced rate. After a couple of years the site will be yours.
The second option is the acquisition of land is much more complicated, but allows you to purchase a plot of land in a few more a short time and in a better place. Well what can we say about a simple purchase of the land! First, it is much more expensive, and secondly, it is technically difficult, since the land in our country the law is only sold by the auction system.