You will need
  • surgical marker
  • needle for piercing (15G — 1.4 mm; 18G — 1 mm)
  • - cotton swabs
  • - a solution of Betadine or miramistina
  • - stretching to increase puncture
  • - clips and unlatches for rings
  • - characterzation
  • - earring
  • - tweezers
First and foremost, prepare all the tools for body piercing: the needle for piercing, unlatches and clips for rings, tweezers, stretching to increase puncture and characterzation carefully disinfect. To avoid the risk of entering any type of infection in the open wound, put hands on sterile surgical gloves.
Mark a special surgical marker to the desired location of needle entry. Types of lip piercing are horizontal piercing - when a puncture is performed along the line of the lips, most often the lower. In this type of piercing it is best to use ornaments made of elastic materials such as PTFE, BIOPLAST. The disadvantage of this type of puncture is the impossibility of striking manifestations of emotions: free to frown or smile. Vertical piercing - when a puncture occurs perpendicular to the lip, at an angle of 90° (the traditional way) or vertically — puncture passes through the lower lip. Vertical lip piercing is the least dangerous to the teeth - a puncture is made with the expectation that the item bar, banana, ring, or labret — could not touch the tooth enamel.
Then with a cotton swab pre-soaked in Betadine solution or miramistina, disinfect the area of the piercing (puncture).
Igloo quick and almost painless swipe through the marked point of the puncture. Pull the needle, the catheter leave. Then insert the jewelry into the catheter and thread through the puncture. The whole procedure of the puncture will only take you a minute or two.
Usually the puncture is completely healed within 1.5-2 months, the infection rarely develops. On the second day after making the puncture, the lip may swell but swelling will subside after seven days. Therefore, it is necessary to use a long stud, which will need to be replaced after the swelling goes down, shorter.
Once you have pierced the lip, don't forget about caring for a puncture. Each day, rinse your mouth with an antiseptic solution (e.g. 3% hydrogen peroxide solution pre-diluted 50% with water) 3-5 times during that time, until the wound heals. Do the compresses for three minutes with a solution miramistina putting tampons to external and internal sides of the puncture.