Be mysterious and difficult!Male-Aries - the eternal conqueror, is in his blood. It's the hunter, which draws the process of disarming the victims. The harder Aries has to win a woman's heart, the more he is attracted to a woman. Aries is ready for everything, taking care of the woman he cares about. Your task is to remain always a mystery to Aries.
Encourage pride of Aries!To permanently tame a man-RAM, you should praise him, flatter his ego. Men of this sign love to be admired, since I consider myself the best at everything. Don't be afraid to praise the rams, because they rejoice in the praise like children.
Be sexy!Sexually, these men are very passionate, we can say that they have a constant sexual hunger. Therefore, you should be prepared for the fact that Aries can drive you to exhaustion in bed. In bed Aries also loves, when his praise. The darling of the RAM should always be sexually attractive to him, she should beckon him, so pay more attention to appearance, odor, makeup and, of course, underwear.
Do not cave in!So as not to annoy the man Aries, don't lose your head and don't give in to all his wishes. Love and appreciate yourself, put your interests at the proper level. Man-Aries is able to suppress woman for their selfish inclinations, but after that, she will be deeply uninteresting. Consider yourself the best party for menof Aries, then he, too, will be my ideal and cease the search for new ideals on the side.
Don't push Aries to marriage!Man-Aries most afraid of the hasty family ties. It may even alienate him from his girlfriend. Let the relationship develop gradually, man-RAM himself should take the decision on family creation. And then marriage will really benefit him he will settle down with will be a good husband and father. By the way, almost all Aries dream about big family and children.