You will need
  • cell phone software and cable to it.
Make sure that your mobile phone supports GPRS technology (almost all modern phones are capable of it). Call support mobile operator to find out whether your tariff plan, the GPRS service. If you are not connected. Make a request for connection. At your request, staff cell campaign send settings to your phone via SMS. Save them.
Configure the connection of the phone and the computer. To do this, use the special cable for the phone or the USB cable (today, many phones have a USB connector). You can also connect your phone to your laptop via wireless Bluetooth if your phone has the opportunity. Install the software for the phone. It is often attached to the phone on the CD. If it was not such a disc, you can free download the program from the website of the manufacturer of the phone. For example, for Nokia phones this program called Nokia Ovi Suite. As part of such program usually has a utility to configure the Internet connection. In the case of failure to do so, configure the Internet connection manually.
Configure modem. To do this, in control panel select "Phone and modem options, enter the country code of the city. In the window "Phone and modem options" click "Modems" in the modem list, select your phone and click "Properties". In the next window, click "Additional settings" and enter the init string, click OK. The initialization string must be in support of your mobile operator. For example, for MTS, the initialization string would look like this: AT+CGDCONT=1,"IP","".
Configure the Internet connection on the computer. In control panel select "Network connections" - "create a new connection". Follow the instructions in the wizard new connection. The phone dialer enter one of the following: *99#, *99***1#, *99**1*1#. The number depends on the manufacturer of the phone. Check with your mobile operator. After completing the settings, click the connection shortcut on your desktop, click "call" and wait for the Internet connection.